Connecticut Sports Management Group

Producer of the Nutmeg Games, the largest amateur sporting events in Connecticut

Hosted by the City of Middletown

CSMG and the Nutmeg State Games thank the City of Middletown for their ongoing commitment to the Games and all of the athletes, coaches, fans and volunteers.

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News and Announcements

Athletes of the Year

Natalie Malinowski

2024 ShopRite® Nutmeg State Games Athlete of the Year Natalie Malinowski has so much passion and perseverance, which was on full display over the course of the summer of 2024; with the two sports she loves the most, figure skating and swimming.

In May 2024, Natalie suffered a severe muscle strain requiring her to be on crutches and participate in physical therapy for 5 weeks in order to return to competition for the summer. She was cleared by the physical therapist in the end of June 2024 with the hopes of competing at her normal level of competition.
Through hard work and determination, Natalie was able to make the podium at the Nutmeg State Games for figure skating on July 13, 2024 and achieved the Bronze Medal. The following week, Natalie traveled to San Diego, California where she competed at the All State Games of America competition for figure skating where she was able to achieve the Gold medal and also wrote an essay which was selected allowing her to represent the State of CT by carrying our state flag at the Opening Ceremonies. Natalie then competed on August 4, 2024 at the Nutmeg State Games in Middletown, CT achieving 2 medals for the 50m Fly and 50m Free events.
 Not only is Natalie a shining example of what hard work and perseverance can achieve but has a heart of gold as well. On November 3, 2024, Natalie and her friends raised $3,704 for the Breast Friends Fund Charity for Yale Breast Cancer Research by selling bracelets, cake pops, and tie-dyed t-shirts that they made at Om Yoga Studio in Glastonbury, CT where she participated in a Vinyasa flow yoga donation class. Natalie and her friends then set out to help those less fortunate in our community by gathering materials and assembling 100 care packages for the homeless on December 9, 2024. The packages included warm gloves, hats, socks, hand warmers, Emergen-C vitamin packs, antibacterial hand wipes, toothbrush, toothpaste, and granola bars. These packages were delivered to the Hands on Hartford organization that has a homeless outreach team that distributed these care packages.
On December 26, 2024, Natalie and her friends assembled and packaged 80 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Sandwich Ministry through the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry in Hartford, CT.
Natalie continues to enjoy her volunteer time as a sandwich maker and despite the snow storm on the morning of February 16th, she made sure over 250+ sandwiches were made and available for the homeless in Hartford. Natalie’s caring and enthusiasm for helping others will make a meaningful impact to our community and she is a shining example of what clear determination and perseverance can accomplish despite suffering an almost season shattering injury.
Natalie will be featured in her school’s musical, The Sound of Music, being cast as Leisel by her favorite former teacher and musical director at Corpus Christi, Mrs. Elise Murphy Mulligan in April 2025. Natalie is thankful for her LEHY swim coaches, especially Coach Kaeley Steinnegal, and her ice skating coaches at Champions Ice Arena in Cromwell, Coaches Emily Catenzaro, Sara Cote and Kathy Genovese.
Natalie was recently accepted into Kingswood Oxford for the upcoming school year where she plans to swim and crush her father’s swim records at KO with even better swim times!
We recognize Natalie’s embodiment of the Olympic Spirit in her perseverance in sport and her civic voice through actions. We are proud to name her the 2024 Nutmeg State Games athlete of the year!

Jan Brown

2024 Connecticut Masters’ Games Athlete of the Year
Jan Brown - Typically this is a once in a lifetime achievement award - however, our CT Masters' Games athletes have proven time and time again, that they have much more to achieve. This is especially true in the case of Janice "Jan" Goulart-Brown.

Jan Brown was awarded the 2012 CT Masters Games Athlete of the Year award at the age of 63.  We learned then that Janice started her athletic career at a young age competing as cheerleader, gymnast and swimmer.  She began running at the age of 38 and competed in over 5 marathons and 10 half-marathons between the ages of 50 to 60. She recognized the growing need for full court basketball for the 40+ players, so she began a drop-in program on Sunday mornings in her hometown of Newtown, CT.  Jan started playing in local women’s softball leagues in 1999 and in 2003, she participated in her first CT Masters’ Games softball tournament. She joined a 50+ women’s softball league in town when she became eligible and promptly became the women’s basketball and softball sport coordinator for the CT Masters’ Games. She was a decade into fulfilling this role when she received her first Athlete of the Year award.
   Meanwhile, in 2010 Jan saw an article in a local publication about Janice Pauly who had introduced the sport of pickleball to Ridgefield CT. Janice Pauly, who runs the Nutmeg, Masters’ and Fall Classic event for CSMG, taught Jan how to play the game. “I became addicted as do most people” Jan said, in an interview with Andy Hutchinson of the Newtown Bee. She added pickleball to her permanent repertoire of sports and became a local ambassador – a prestigious title earned from the United States Pickleball Association.
   Jan has continued to achieve bronze, silver and gold medal status around the country in sprint triathlons, 3 vs. 3 basketball, Women’s softball, racquetball and pickleball in National events and has competed more than once in the Huntsman World Senior Games. The number of Gold and Silver medals Janice has earned since 2012 has increased exponentially in each of the sports she’s involved in. In 2024 both her 60+ softball team, CT Thunder, and her 70+ CT Sisters basketball team took the Gold at their respective tournaments and qualified, once again, for the 2025 National Senior Games.
   A common thread among our female senior athletes is women’s team sport offerings were limited or non-existent when they were growing up. Whether it’s making up for lost time or pure love of sports and competition – or maybe a little of both – Jan has motivated many hundreds of people to get started with sports regardless of their age. She joins the 95% of Masters’ athletes that agree the camaraderie is equally, if not more, important than the win.
The drop-in basketball program she started 25 years ago is still going as strong now as it was then – only now it draws athletes from all over Connecticut, New York and New Jersey. She tirelessly recruits female softball players “who thought their playing days were over – due to aging – or simply didn’t know there is a state and national program for not only softball but many sports”. The strides made in growing the pickleball community in Newtown are unprecedented. Jan created a drop-in pickleball at the Town Hall at Edmond Town Hall and Sandy Hook School, and offered free lessons at Newtown Parks and Recreation.  She, along with Ed Miklaszewski, advocated and fundraised for repairs to the Fairfield Hills Courts. She helped in the formation of the Newtown Pickleball Club and is part of the Recreation Department’s Masters program that encourages athletic participation and helps residents get involved and prepare for the Masters’ Games. And it doesn’t stop there either.
   Jan has played: horseshoes, darts, archery, badminton, archery, bocce, corn hole and even tried her hand at curling. She’s played with some of her children and grandchildren in coed softball in Danbury and Bethel for over 20 years and coed dodgeball for 10 years. Not to mention keeping up with her fitness training twice a week.
   In addition to being actively involved in countless sports, Jan has consistently encouraged hundreds of people of all ages to participate regardless of their age. She has developed friendships through the common bond of athletics with people across the nation.
   For her continued efforts to promote healthy and active lifestyle through physical fitness and sport for the last 25 years and her embodiment of the Olympic spirit, we are proud to acknowledge Janice Goulart-Brown as the 2024 Connecticut Masters’ Games Athlete of the year!
A compilation of CT Masters’ Games documentation and Newtown Bee articles by Andy Hutchison



Title Sponsor
Sponsor ShopRite
City of Middletown
Sponsor City of Middletown
PMA Companies
Sponsor PMA Companies
Sponsor Enterprise
Richard P. Garmany Fund

Richard P. Garmany Fund

NorcomCT - Motorola
Sponsor NorcomCT - Motorola
AMP Radio Network
Sponsor AMP Radio Network
Sparkling Ice
Sponsor Sparkling Ice
For Kids' Sake Foundation / Malia's Legacy Loves On
Sponsor For Kids' Sake Foundation / Malia's Legacy Loves On

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